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Week 10: Version Control

Updated: Jan 17, 2020

During phase two, we were introduced to GitKraken which is a software that helps with version control and management of our project. This was important as both Abbie and Kerris had a Mac Book and they would not be able to open the project as I was developing it on a Windows OS. GitKraken also allowed us to keep a track of all the features that were being developed and all the assets that were being provided by my teammates.

It took me a while to get the hang of it, Adam had to sit us down and explain how GitKraken worked and how to set it up. After setting up Gitkraken, I made a test repository to confirm that its working perfectly.

I wanted to use it for the sake of organization and of course version control. The good thing about this was that I could summarize each step of my development and update my game files depending on if the feature that I have just developed is good enough or not. There was a point where my Unity project file got corrupted and because I had saved the previous version of the Project files on GitKraken, I could just go back to it and start from there. Adam helped me loads during this learning process and its actually life saving at times.

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